The Magic of Retail Therapy -Five Lessons for Finance Design

Shubha K. Chakravarthy
7 min readDec 25, 2019

Ever wonder why women love “retail therapy”? I have. I’m not a big shopper, and yet I find myself drawn to a well-laid out retail store just for stress relief and some visual treats of rows upon rows of neatly arranged stuff to rest my eyes on. Regardless of whether I buy or not, I always leave feeling better: about myself, my future and the world in general.

Photo by Xianjuan HU on Unsplash

Contrast this with my typical interaction with a financial services provider — individual mileage may vary but the bottom-line is that the best I can usually hope for is that I leave without permanent scars, figuratively speaking.

Yet, the financial services industry has plenty of unmined gold, if it takes even a cursory look at what retail gets brilliantly right about customer engagement, at least in the store.

Five Secrets Behind the Lure of Retail Therapy

Here for the first time, are the five secrets that make retail therapy reliably attractive to their prime customers regardless of budget, macro-economic conditions or the current state of the industry.

Friendly Familiarity and Comfort

When you walk into a retail store, the first impression you get is one of friendly welcome. The store attempts to make it…



Shubha K. Chakravarthy

Chief Financial Storyteller @Achiiv || HSBC | McKinsey | Chicago Booth || Host of the Invisible Ink podcast |